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I have decided that I am not going to be selling products online for a while.


My focus currently is spreading the TRUTH of the WORD of LORD, and give tips on a healthier lifestyle with herbal remedies and suggestions.

Scripture tells us that the leaf is our medicine.

Ezekiel 47:12 ........the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. 

Psalms 104.14 .......and herb for the service of man: ....


Please register to gain access to the blog posts and subscribe to be notified by email of new postings.


I have left the entire website intact as there is great information imbedded in it, however the best information is the BLOG.


The herbal remedies articles will be updated as additional information or formulas are acquired. Please keep an eye out for these updates.

Soap and Lather


The Truth will set you Free!

We’re honored to be a part of your journey with your WALK with Christ as the center. I am excited to share Biblical Truth with you also. Register to gain access to the content. Subscribe to notified of new posts.

Cutting Soap
Packaged Soap


PO Box 131 Manchester, TN 37349

Thanks for submitting!

Soaps & Candle


Essential Information

General Disclaimer:

I am not a Doctor or medical professional as defined by the US government or by US licensed medical physicians.

All information shared on this site is based on, experience with others, personal experience, or research on the topic. I do not make any guarantees for results when using the products, just the same as the US medical industry makes no guarantees in their treatment plans or medications.

I recommend you consult your Doctor if you have any medical questions or concerns with combining medicinal herbs with your pharmaceuticals or health conditions.

This Ministry is not incorporated with the government, and does not receive benefits or tax breaks. It is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by October Brian. 

I am an individual who wants to share what I've learned that is not found easily or has been misrepresented.

Warranty Disclaimer:

Every order is made homemade from scratch, and some made at the time of the order to insure potency and freshness.

Specific products will include instructions of use, and ALL products will include a list of ingredients.

No work is done on Saturday, as it is the Lord's day, our day of rest.

ALL product batches are tried by me prior to being sold to you!


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