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Caster Oil-How does it benefit you.

Castor Oil has shown, in topical application, to releive constipation, bloating, digestive issues, joint pain, menstrual cramps, and endometriosis.

Using Caster Oil blocks the development of fungal infections, reduces the size of and elimiates growths including tumors, cysts, and other growths.

You may either place in your navel solely or abdominal packs which includes the belly button.

You can apply to a wash rag and lie it on your stomach. Allow at least 1 hr to absorb into your skin, overnight for best results.

Castor Oil is the deepest penetrating oil of all oils. There are many health benefits to using it internally and externally.

Why the naval?

The belly button is connected to hundreds of blood vessels and veins, which are connected to all major organs.

By appling castor oil to your naval you are getting the most effective way to treat your whole body.

It is recommended to get haxane free COLD pressed castor oil, preferrably in a glass container.

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