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Constipation causes and solutions

Updated: Jul 13

Diet is the one of primary causes of constipation.

Review your diet, see what it consists of.
If you do not eat fresh fruits and vegies this causes a lack of natural fiber and nutrients in your system. This could be the cause of your constipation.
If you eat a lot of processed foods, boxed meals, frozen dinners, lunch meats, store bought canned foods, snack foods, sugary treats, and candies this could be your issue. Sugar is an acid and takes a lot of water, if you eat a lot of sugar or processed foods this could cause constipation.
If you eat a lot of meat and starch in your diet lacking fresh fruit and vegies this could be the cause of constipation.
To sum it up, if you are lacking the minerals and nutrients the system needs this can cause constipation.

Medications can cause constipation.
Vitamins or suppliements can cause constipation.
High levels of certain minerals can cause constipation. Iron, Calcuim, Folic Acid, and Vitamin D.

Dehydration can cause constipation. Lack of water intake. Sometimes we are not absorbing the water into our system due to lack of magnsium.

Lack of digestive enzymes can cause constipation. You may be eating good foods but your body is not absorbing the nutrients.

Toxins in our system can cause constipation.

Leaky Gut can cause constipation. When your inner wall to your intestines have been compromised this allows things to pass into your blood stream that shouldn't be there as well as cause nutritional dificiencies, and can also cause constipation.
Leaky gut is explained in this article:

If you eat a heatly diet and still have issues you may have Parasites. Another cause of constipation.

I've always been told to much cheese causes constipation, but I've tried testing that theory my whole life cause I love cheeses. My level of constipation did not get affected by my cheese consumption that I could tell.

Barbara O'Neill-- Tips on Optimizing Health

Use Olive or coconut oils for cooking.
Coconut oil is safe seen in centruies of islanders who eat it daily with no heart disease or other chronic diseases.
No scientific tests show that coconut oil causes heart or other disease.

What to do to correct all these issues?!
Stop taking OTC vitamins because these use toxic additives to make the tablets. Use natural supplement options.
Attempt to correct the issues you take meds for with natural remedies.
Try changing your diet to have more plant based foods perferrable fresh fruits and vegies. Unprocessed Frozen fruits and vegies are a good alternative. Cook with Olive oil or coconut oil.
Reduce the amount of dairy and red meat in your diet.
Remove refinded sugar, caffine, drinking alcohol, vegetable oil, canola oil
Add fermented and cultured foods like cottage cheese, yogurt, sauerkaut, pickles, or others.

Add intermittent fasting. fast for 16-20 hrs per day. Eat 2 meals per day between 4 to 8 hr window. End your eating window by 6pm.

Cator Oil compresses on the abdomen this will help with contstipation or diarreha.

Drink 8 glasses of water daily. 8oz per glass. On a normal day. Days when sweating drink more.
Either take a cyrstal of Celtic sea salt with each glass of water this will help water to be absorbed.
Make a pitcher of water with 2 TBsp of Hymalayan sea salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper. This will help water be absorbed and detox chemicals from our system.

Spend 30 mins per day at least outside in the fresh air and in the sunlight.

Get 8 hrs of sleep each night.

Add digestive enzyme supplement to your daily routine just before meals.

Do a detox of your system.

Excercise, use that 30 mins outside to walk around.

I do not suggest you start all these things simotaineously. We need to know what works for the issue, what caused the constipation. Plus our bodies need time to adjust to new conditions presented to it.

Also the way we sit on the toilet matters as well. As depicted in the center of the picture below we should have a squatted position. By doing this it relaxes the muscle on the colon allowing it to open so that we can pass waste with ease. No pushing necessary. This muscle keeps our colon closed so we don't pass waste all the time.

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