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Diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and Insulin resistance, can all be cured!

Dr.s do not always tell us that these conditions can be cured. Some will tell you that Type 2 and Insulin resistance can be cured with diet and exercise, but very few if any advise that Type 1 can also be cured.

What would you be willing to do if you could change your health? Reduce the cost of meds and dr visits. Let your body do what it was designed to do.

The beginning is the hardest, but won't stay this way forever.

Step 1:

STOP eating and drinking things with refined sugars, caffine, artifical sweetners ie aspertain, cabohydrates, dairy, processed foods, saturated fats ie fat of meats, vegi oil, butter, palm oil, canola oil, table salt (iodized salt) 3 minerals, processed meats ie precooked chicken nuggets, lunch meats, frozen dinners, fast food.

more examples-cereals; breads; cakes; pizza; pasta; rice; potatoe; soda; milk; cheeses; cakes; cookies; brownines; jellies; most canned sauces; boxed meals; minute rice;


Sweeten with Stevia or raw honey.

Buy Himalayan sea salt 84 minerals; or Celtic Sea salt 82 minerals to season your food.

Do drink herbal teas.

Step 2:

Drink more water, at least 8-8oz glasses per day. Drink slowly 1 glass per hour.

If you are one that will pee a lot more you most likely are NOT absorbing the water into your system.

Suggestion: buy some celtic sea salt, take a crystal or two, disolve it in your mouth before each glass of water. This salt has 3 types of magnesiums and 82 minerals in it, and will tell your body to absorb the water which means you will pee less.

Step 3:

Start eating high fiber foods: Low GI fruit, vegetables, plant foods.

examples- berries, citrus, peaches, apples

Proteins legumes (beans) nuts, and seeds, fish, chicken without skin or fat.

Use healthy fats like Olive oil or coconut oil.

I know the medical industry tells you that coconut oil is bad for you. However, there is not scientific test that proves that, and native islanders have used it daily without any of our diseases for centuries.

Step 4:

Exercise- High Intensity Training. You can start out small and work your way up to 15 mins per day of exercise, resting not included. Longer if you do not have a hill.

This should be done first thing in the morning prior to a meal.

Exercise is a great way to get your blood sugar under control.

What you do is find a hill, push yourself to walk up the hill as fast as you can until you are short of breath and heart racing. Stop, catch your breath then do it again. Do this 5 times.

If you don't have a hill near by you can do it on flat land it will just take a little longer to get your heart racing and short of breath.

Once you have been on this regimen for 3 to 6 months, you should notice that you do not have to take your insulin any more or at least a lesser amount. Once you get to the point of not having to take perscribed insulin is when you can vary from the foods listed in this regimen.

You body should have restored your pancreas so that you produce your own insulin, and is using the insulin produced.

It is recommended to continue with water consumtion and exercise, but you may change your diet a little. If you notice that your blood sugar is no longer regulated then your body is telling you not to eat or drink that item. I recommend to only introduce 1 new thing at a time, so that way you will know if it will be compatible with you.

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