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Did you know that there is a Natural Remedy for what ails you?

Updated: May 17, 2023

One Remedy is Essiac Tea
Rene Caisse was a registered Nurse in Canada: In the 1920s Rene encountered a prospector's wife who survived breast cancer. Rene noticed her scar on her breast and asked her about it. The lady said that she was diagnosed years earlier with breast cancer, and when she was leaving the hospital she was approached by a medicine man from a local Indian tribe. He told her he had a natural remedy if she was interested, and she took him up on his offer. She gave Rene the ingredients and dosages of the tea he gave her.

Rene then went to the medicine man to verify the formula of the tea’s ingredients and dosages were accurate. Once she had the verified the formula she then went to Toronto and set up a test lab with a group of doctors. She then went to the Bracebridge Town Council to open her clinic which ran from 1934-1942. She did not charge for the remedy or treatment of patients.

She had people come from far and wide. Some arrived in an ambulance and took their first treatment in the back of it, and within a couple days were walking into her clinic unaided. She treated her own mother who was given less than a week to live diagnosed with liver cancer. Her mother lived another 18 years and died of a tired heart.

This information has been summarized from the below webpage as well as the Book “The Complete Essiac Essentials”

The original tea was 4 ingredients. Rene with the help of the group of doctors improved the 4 herb formula to an 8 herb formula. The 4 herb tea was less successful in results than the 8 herb tea.

Essiac Tea has been used for a variety of conditions and symptoms with positive results with the following issues in people and animals. I’ve left the links to testimonials of these outcomes below.

It is unlawful to claim this remedy as a treatment or cure which is why it is sold as a wellness product, dietary supplement, or detox.

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 classifies herbs as dietary supplements.7 This law defines supplements quite broadly as “anything that supplements the diet.” Supplements therefore include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes, organ tissues, metabolites, extracts, or concentrates. A major difference between a drug and a dietary supplement is that dietary supplements may not claim to “diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent illness.”7 It is interesting to note that dietary supplement manufacturers are allowed to make certain “structure/function” claims, which are often vaguely worded claims of health benefits. For example, an Echinacea product (often used to treat or prevent the common cold) might claim to “support the body’s natural defenses.”

This remedy is more safe and effective than radiation and/or chemotherapy, and any other western Medical treatments in my opinion, and in the opinion of others to cure disease.

Essiac does not interfere with medication.

Side effects that rarely occur but do include Nausea, Vomiting, Frequent urination, Increase or loose bowel movements, swollen glands, headache, flu-like symptoms, skin blemishes, and Elevated potassium. Keep in mind this combination of herbs is meant to purge your system of the toxins and infected cells that are causing your underlying illness. This, in some cases, will present itself as these side effects.

To reduce or eliminate these effects lessen your dose for a time period to see if that is helpful to you.

DO NOT eat solid food or smoothies with protein 2 hours prior to and 1 hour after drinking your dose. Reasons: our bodies process protein differently and reduces the effectiveness of Essiac tea. You may have fruit or vegetable juice, but not solid food. You can use beef or chicken broth, but not the meat. You can have coffee, water, or tea. You can add honey to sweeten the mixture. DO NOT reheat the tea as that will reduce the potency of the mixture. You may heat another liquid and add honey to it, then add Essiac tea to the warm/hot mixture for consumption. OR heat the honey directly and add to Essiac tea. OR You may also add honey while the tea is still hot and mix well.

This site has a lot of other information as well as the purest 8 herb formula for sale.
You can also call and talk directly to the owners of this company and discuss your situation.
They will be happy to assist you with you journey of recovery.

Below is a video of Board Certified Doctors in their research of the use of Essiac Tea:

Another site for the 8 herb tea: This is the site the above video was sponsored on:

Below is a list of illness this tea has successfully cured with links to the testimony

AIDS Allergies Arthritis Autoimmune Basal Cell Carcinoma Bladder Cancer Bloating Blood Cancer Blood Pressure Blood Problems Blood Sugar Issues Bone Cancer Bone Cancer in Dog Bowel Movements Brain Cancer Brain Tumor Breast Cancer Breast Lump Cancer Cancer in Dog Carcinoid Cancer Cats--General Health Cellulitis and Laminitis in Horse Pre-Cancerous Cells in Cervix Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Colds and Viruses Colon Cancer Colon Problems COVID-19 Cyst Dementia Diabetes Digestion Dog with Bladder Cancer Dog with Bone Cancer Dog with Cancer Dog with Colon Cancer Dog with Congestive Heart Failure Dog with Thyroid Cancer Dog with Tumor Dry Cough Eczema Edema Endometrial and Uterine Cancer Esophageal Cancer - Stage 4 Ewings Sarcoma Fatigue Fat Nodules in Abdomen Fibroids Fibromyalgia Follicular Lymphoma Gallbladder Condition General Health General Illness Growth on Skin Hay Fever Heartburn Hepatitis C IBS and Chronic Pain Immune System Inflammation Insomnia and Cancer Intestinal Cancer Joint Issues in Pets Kidney Function Kidney Infection Kidney Tumor Large B Cell Progressive Lymphoma Leg Cramps Liver Cancer Lung Cancer Lung Infections Lung Problems Lupus Lyme Lymph Node Cancer Mammary Gland Cancer Melanoma Metal Poisoning Multiple Myeloma Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Omentum Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic Tumor Polycythemia Progressive Large B Cell Lymphoma Preventive/Staying in Remission Prostate Cancer Prostate Condition Rectal Cancer Salivery Gland Tumor that had Metastasized to the Lungs Sarcoma Scleroderma Sciatica Small Intestine Cancer Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Dog Spine Cancer Stage 2 Bladder Cancer Stage 4 Breast Cancer Stage 4 Cancer Stage 4 Cancer in Dog Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer Stage 4 Lung, Bone and Brain Cancer Stage 3 Melanoma Stage 4 Melanoma Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma Stage 4 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Stage 4 Stomach Cancer Throat Cancer Thyroid Cancer in Dog Thyroid Problems Tumor Tumor Under Arm Type II Diabetes Thyroid Condition UTI Weight Loss
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