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Did you know that vaccines are NOT safe and effective?

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Research has shown that only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported, and out of those that are reported no one wants to hear what they have to say.
In most cases it happens to a child, the parent either does not correlate the vaccine to the newly developed learning disability or illness the child now has, or in some cases the parent does relate the two together. In those cases the Dr denies the claim and fails to report it most of the time.

Recent History has proven that the Covid vaccine has injured hundreds of thousands of people and killed thousands.
It also shows that folks fully cv19 vaccinated are more subseptible to becoming sick with what they call covid.

Truth For Health Foundation Announces Citizens Vaccine Injury Reporting System (CVIRS)

This report is independent and you have the ability to relate the injury to CV19 vaccine vs the govenment site below do not allow you to indicate which vaccine caused the injury.

I would recommend to submit to both the above independent reportin system, and one or all of the below govenments reporting platforms.

Do you know that our governement here in the US has waived liability from the parmaceutical comapaines meaning that if their products (vaccines) cause death or injury we can not sue them?
Did you know that our govenment following that waiver set up a program to pay settlements to vaccine injured families?
Did you know there is websites to report vaccine injuries and deaths?
Did you know there's a court to hear cases of the vaccine injured?

Did you know that this is one major way they are trying to depopulate the world is by vaccines?

News Report about vaccine injury: From the Swine FLU in 1976

Vaccine adverse events, German data
Dr. John Campbell 08/03/2022

"Dr. 'John Campbell' 'Covid-19' Vaccines Have Caused Many Young Excess Deaths"

Stephanie and Maddie de Gayray

Rachel Celler RN
Cancer laced va$$ines 10/19/2019 this one has been removed by YouTube, censorship

Why are heathy athlete's collapsing 11/17/2021

Nashville, TN RN injured by CV19 vax

No Vaccines Necessary, That's The Truth Dr. Dale Brown


Dr. Dale Brown's website

Andrew Kaufman MD vaccines vs reality

Covid Vaccines:



What is in the vaccines?

WI-38 Aborted Fetal cells in your MMR and MMRV shots-Dr. Stanley Plotkin MD

They put known lethal and cancer causing chemicals in every vaccine. They tell us not to touch or consume these products due to the dangers, but in the same breath of air say it is safe and effective to inject these into our kids!!
aborted fetal cells MRC5 lung tissue of a 14 week old white male fetus, synthetic DNA in CV19 jabs

Fetal cells in CV19 jabs

Aluminum at 250 micrograms are injected and included in the HEP B vaccine. One dose for all newborns regardless of weight.
A study done on mice eating 25 micrograms of aluminum was determined as fatal.
3k to 5k of micrograms injected in kids by age 1 1/2.

CV19 vax ingredients

What do these ingredients do to our kids?
These ingredients have caused our kids to be sickly. They have food allergies, autism, ADHD, and so many more issues. Each injection causes rashes, cold like symptoms, headaches, stomach issues including diarrhea. Most kids pull through and do not have life altering changes to their DNA, but more and more each year are not as lucky.
If we keep this up in 2032 1 of 2 kids will develop autism. What will that do to our future? We will not have any capable citizens to run nations, to work essential jobs, to care for others, or to continue procreating.

There is a correlation between the number of ailments upon this nation to the number of vaccines given to kids from birth.
1 out of 50 kids develop autism after MMR vaccines between the ages of 12 months to 18 months.
Autism is not a genetically transmitted disorder. It is caused by altering the minds of very young childern with toxins through vaccines.
Every so many years they increase the number of vaccines our children are required to have to attend school. They also say that they are required to attend school making us feel as if we have to vaccinate our kids. Currently there is a religious exemption that you can use to enroll your kids into school who are not vaccinated.

Have you noticed that most of the ailments we consider common today, were not that common 10 to 20 years ago, and were even more rare or non existent 30, 40, 50 years ago. Things like ADHD, autoimmune disorders, asthma, food allergies, autism, epilepsy, MS, ACL, Fibromyalgia, Eczema, and Hepatitis to name a few.

There have been many parents that have correlated vaccines to their child's autism, ADHD, and other disorders. The doctors they took their kids to denied that the vaccine altered the child, they would try to convince the parents the child was born with the disorder.

One parent said that she had triplets. All were healthy and progressing in development as age appropriate. They were about 12 months old when they received another round of vaccines. within a short amount of time (days maybe a week) all 3 children developed autism and regressed in development.

Way back when doctors would listen to the patient and take what they said into their understanding of what is going on with them. Now a days they don't listen, want to prescribe as many drugs to each person as possible, and guess they don't make them worse. They would prefer for the patient to remain quite.

Not many studies have been done to prove the claim that vaccines are safe and effective, Or that fully unvaccinated kids are healthier than fully vaccinated kids. The government will have you believe that all prior outbreaks were reduced or resolved because of vaccines. This simply is not the case.

History actual shows that the outbreaks had already reduced the number of cases prior to the vaccine being created or administered. ie FLU and Polio are prime examples.
The 1952 Polio epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation's history. Of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year, 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis, with most of the victims being children. (google search)
Not long afterwards, in the early 1950s, the first successful vaccine was created by US physician Jonas Salk. Salk tested his experimental killed-virus vaccine on himself and his family in 1953, and a year later (1954) on 1.6 million children in Canada, Finland and the USA. (
So these tidbits of information here show that the worst part of the Polio outbreak was in 1952, the vaccine was not released until 1954. By their own words the vaccine did not reduce the number of cases.

Polio was actually caused by something most likely a new radio wave or microwave frequencies that was developed and used during those years. When a new frequency is used within 6 months there is a wide spread illness. OR could have been the DDT they sprayed to kill files could have also contributed to polio coupled with the new microwaves that electrified earth during those times.

Radar technology, TV sets in half the homes by 1951, and Microwave ovens were released to the public for commercial use in 1945 and to the general public in 1967.
It didn't help that they were spraying harmful chemicals called DDT to kill flies.

Each time a frequency is released and electrifies the world there's a pandemic. Read all about it in the Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg.

When did TV become common in homes?
The number of television sets in use rose from 6,000 in 1946 to some 12 million by 1951. No new invention entered American homes faster than black and white television sets; by 1955 half of all U.S. homes had one.
The microwave goes mainstream
In 1967, after nearly 20 years of selling the devices to commercial establishments rather than households, Raytheon finally developed something much closer to the countertop model found in kitchens across America today. The first household microwaves were heavily marketed to women.
American engineer Percy Spencer is generally credited with inventing the modern microwave oven after World War II from radar technology developed during the war. Named the "Radarange", it was first sold in 1946. This device uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range to heat food. They changed the name

Let's look at CV19. It started in Wuhan China.
China had a country wide mandate for every person to be fully vaccinated by December 2018.
Most residents wore face masks.
Wuhan was the first city to be a fully 5g operating city.
The results were their residents would fall dead in the streets of that city which began in December2018/January 2019.

This "virus" spread quickly and was initially blamed on bats from the open food market in Wuhan China, now they are saying they do not know where it came from. Much like after the 1918 Spanish flu, they ran tests then said we don't know what caused the illness.

At that time here in the USA we were still operating primarily on a 4g frequency launched in 2009 and therefore did not see the same results as Wuhan since 5g was in very few places. We renamed the "FLU" as covid19. If you recall there were very few if any flu cases and all cv19 cases reported. We also do not have a mandate in place to have all citizens to be vaccinated. We did not see the same results as Wuhan since our nation was not yet 5g, and everyone didn't have elevated levels of metals in our systems since we are not required to be vaccinated.

The 5g network was started to be put into place in early 2019 in the US backed by President Trump who said he wanted to fast track it into every city, and would prefer we be on a 6g network. During the shutdown for CV19 from February to March 2019 5g transmitters were installed in schools, hospitals, and heavily trafficked public areas. People posted videos of these installations. Hospitals were vacant even though they were telling us that the were overrun. Social Media used footage from a different time in an attempt to convince us that we were in the same boat as Wuhan China with ER's full and dead bodies piling up from this unknown "virus".

Is 5G available now? A: Yes, 5G is already here today, and global operators started launching new 5G networks in early 2019. Also, all major phone manufacturers are commercializing 5G phones. What is 5G | Everything You Need to Know About 5G | 5G FAQ - Qualcomm

There was a group of folks that was touring nations getting feedback from families that believe their child or family member was injured by vaccines.
I tried looking them up and it seems they have been heavily censored. Their youTube videos have been removed, one of their websites is down, and not sure if they are still touring. The below site you can order a movie they put together going over the facts of vaccines and the injuries they cause. I've just order one for 14.95 US dollars.

Vaccines PT 3 Mercury, Autism, and Fraud-2016

Most parents do no know there is a way they themselves can report such things or that there is a special account that he US government has to pay claims to vaccine injured folks.
Now this site is difficult to navigate when searching for vaccine injuries, but you can do searches for other reported injuries here as well. Personal information is not released on the site.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Have you had a reaction following a vaccination? Contact your healthcare provider. Report an Adverse Event using the VAERS online form or the downloadable PDF.

To be compensated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), you must file a petition with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ...
Some may even report to the FDA

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

Watch their narrative change: the CV19 virus vaccine. At first they said get vaccinated to protect yourself from getting the virus. When many vaccinated people started getting sick with CV19 the narrative changed to the vaccines are not meant to keep you from getting it, just a milder version of it.
Why are their variants?
As I mentioned in the beginning we only saw mild cases compared to Wuhan at first. The treatment plans is what caused death to so many.
During that 2 week shutdown where 5g was installed in schools and hospitals is when we began to see more severe cases. This new frequency had begun to make folks sicker. The normal flu victims now classified as covid victims became even more sick. I say more sick because the flu is due to an already unhealthy body trying to detox, that is what a virus is. it is the body trying to remove toxins.
As more and more 5g towers and transmitters are put up, we will continue to see more and more people have CV19 due to this new frequency being broadcast over our citizens.
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