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Did you know the difference between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory?

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Germ Theory: Developed by Louis Pasteur in the 1850's that says external pathogens invade your body that causes sickness. Louis reported on his death bed "it is NOT the germs we need to worry about. It is our inner terrain."

In the 1800s, the French chemist Louis Pasteur popularized the germ theory, proposing that microorganisms are the cause of most diseases. This paved the way for antibiotics—which kill both good and bad bacteria—and vaccines—which seek to prevent single diseases.

Terrain Theory: Developed by Antione Bechamp in the 1850's along side Louis Pasteur. This theory says the body is the terrain and if it is compromised an illness or disease will develop.

We have been taught only the Germ Theory. Scared of the spread of viruses our whole lives even though we have seen first hand that is not the case. Yes in some situations it seems to be the case, but in so many others well people are around the sick and remain well.
Why would our nation push a theory that they know is not true? Simple, it is easy to keep large numbers of people under their control with fear. They can steer the group in the direction they want them to go. They can enact their plan of eugenics by the groups request. They cause the chaos and then offer a solution that is desired by the group stemmed from the fear created by the leaders.

Barbara O'Neill also agrees with Antoine Bechamp. That sickness is caused by our terrain, our enviorment in and outside of bodies.

We become ill by our environment and by what we put into our bodies. Sometimes we unknowingly participate in or partake in unhealthy things since the leaders said they were safe and effective. Things like EMF or RF radiation, fluoride, chlorine, vaccines, electricity, radio waves, processed foods, medicine, synthetic ingredients, antibiotics, vaccines, and more.

The things we eat, drink, breath, or absorb into our bodies will reflect in our health as we change the terrain in our bodies. If we intake good things we will stay healthy, if we intake bad things we will develop illness and diseases.
If we participate in smoking we are at a higher risk of lung cancer, emphysema, copd, other respiratory disorders.
Drinking results in sorosis of the liver, organ failure, loss of feeling in limbs.
If we eat sweets we will likely become over weight, diabetes, cavities, blemished skin, or other related illness'.
All of these are cause and effects, not something random or unexpected. We allow or make ourselves sick and have no idea in most cases.
Now if we factor in the things we do or have that we never thought could hurt us but actually do; then we can classify other illness' Dr.'s say are random to also be cause and effect scenarios as well. Preventable disease or disorders, most of them corrected with natural remedies whereas the health care industry will tell you to live with it until death.

Did you know that our bodies are cyclical in nature? Meaning we operate in cycles.
Example: If females spend regular time together after a while their menstrual cycles will sync, and they all will cycle at the same time.

This is not the only ways our bodies work in cycles with others. We purge our systems at the same time in a lot of cases. Our bodies are designed to detox our toxins. This is why we sweat, one way our bodies release toxins is through our sweat glands and pores. So when someone starts their detox cycle (is sick) it will trigger others around that are at max capacity or near max to also detox, cycle, purge their system, get sick also. In many cases each person will have different symptoms and/or different levels of severity of symptoms. This is because each person has been exposed to or consumed, absorbed, inhaled different levels of toxins so each body is purging according the needs of that person. This is what we have been told is contagion.

Let me give you another example:
Have you ever had a family member you live with get sick and no one else did? or if someone else did get sick they had different symptom's or less severe?
Why do you think that is?
It is because our bodies usually cycle to purify itself when it has reached the maximum or near maximum level of toxin capacity OR happens immediately if we put something harmful in our systems like spoiled food or certain medications. They present as a cold, sores, flu upset stomach, diarrhea, skin irritation, and more. Sometimes if someone we live with, go to school with, or work with is cycling/purging their toxins (is sick), and we are close to our max capacity, then we will also cycle with them. During our cycle we may experience different symptoms because the type or level of the toxin in us is different than what is in someone else. Where in other times, when we are not close to or at our max capacity than those we are around (who are sick) we therefore do NOT become sick ourselves.

My husband has been sick 3 times in the last 12 months with a fever (2021-2022). Once he had sinus congestion, once he was throwing up, the other was flu like symptoms. I cared for him each time, slept next to him, kissed him, and I did not get sick once. We live in a 45 foot RV, close proximity. IF it is true that when we have a fever we are contagious; then why didn't I get sick with him?
I eat clean foods as the Bible prescribes for the last 2 years. I did, in the beginning, rarely eat an unclean meat due to peer pressure, but now my resolve is strong. I do, on occasion, consume processed foods in the chicken family, but I do not consume anything classified as unclean anymore. I have an office job. I do not drink anything but moringa tea, water, or milk. My husband does not eat clean. He likes pork, shrimp, and catfish. He likes his sodas and energy drinks along side of water and milk. He also works with chemicals at his job which he breaths and absorbs in his skin.
My conclusion is that I have not hit a maximum or near maximum capacity of toxins to stimulate a purge of my system when he has been sick since I keep my system cleaner than his.

I have not been sick since 2016 or 2017, can't recall exactly. I used to get a cold followed by severe upper respiratory infection with sore a throat annually. Once I realized that if I blow my nose frequently instead of snorking that junk down my throat, those infections went away. I haven't had one of those since 2015.

It's not a matter of contagion but persuasion. You're body triggers mine to purge the toxins, and purify the systems at the same time; if necessary. This is what people call a contagious virus failing to know and understand this principle.

Have you ever talked with someone that says every one in the house had a cold last week except me?
OR we both got sick to our stomachs but he threw up and I didn't.
OR we had food poisoning, we both threw up, but he had diarrhea also
OR He has the flu and I just have a mild cold. I don't have body aches like he does just congestion and sore throat. Both conditions supposedly contagious.
OR we all 4 tested positive for CV19 and each person had different symptoms, one had no symptoms, one lost taste and smell, one felt like a cold, and the other felt like the flu wrapped in death. They all live in the same house together.

Tom Barnett: The Virus Hoax, Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory, Detoxification & Knowing your rights. snip it from the following full video

Andrew Kaufman MD: on Germ Theory
Andrew Kaufman MD: Doctors Cowan and Kaufman Discuss Germ Theory Andy Kaufman MD explains Spanish Flu: Andrew explains the following pages. Andrew Kaufman MD Does Contagion exist?: again explains the experiments during the 1918 Spanish Flu

Below are snip-its from the book The Invisible Rainbow-A History of Electricity and Life written by Arthur Firstenberg pgs 107-109. It talks about experiments that were done during the Spanish Flu of 1918 to see if and how the illness is transferring from one person to another. The end result was the spanish flu was NOT contagious, was NOT transferred from one person to another.
This proves that germs from the virus are not contagious or transferrable to someone else.
This book speaks of how we have advanced in development from radio waves to electricity how that correlates to the lessor quality of life by those around it. How when there was a new technology put into place what happened to society and their health.

You can backdate when new tech was released and it will match up to when a large number of people became ill.
04/1917 to early 1918 the US Navy built and operated the worlds largest radio network for local and international communications. By September 1918 they had increased the power and radiation level they could send and receive both voice and telegraph messages continuously. They out shined Nauen, Germany's flagship station. The troops got ill first as they were more heavily exposed to it, and later the public began to get ill, spreading faster than people could travel during that time.

5g is the next phase of this progression of convenience for society. see more on this in the next post. Therefore we have CV19 and many variants to explain these illness instead of the truth!

Wuhan, China was the first state to have a fully operating 5g city; after the government required every citizen to be fully vaccinated by December 2018. January 2019 massive illness and death occurred.
The US only had select locations with 5g which is why we didn't see the same results here. We had primarily flu like symptoms. During the shut down the placed 5g in every school, hospital, and government building. We then started to see "variants" of 5g, and more severe than before. Now they are placing 5g antennas everywhere, and we will continue to see folks get sick from it, and die.
Why!? because now we are being radiated with a higher frequency.

Our bodies were not designed to be subject to radiation and electricity like this. Yes there are natural levels of radiation that existed prior to us cranking it up, but nothing like we've done to ourselves.

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