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How will we know the AntiChrist AKA the 1st Beast?

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

First we must know where the antichrist will hail from. So we get the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream that predicts over 2400 years of time yet to come in complete accuracy. From March/April of 603BC to 1798AD is the predestined path of nation taking over nation until the last is divided into 2 and then 10 parts and ruled by one nation.

Why start here? We have to know the history of events that leads to and when the beast will raise his head. We look for prophecies that share information to lead us to the next text that will give more details in the same prophecy. When we read Revelation 13 it speaks of 10 horns, when we do research in the Bible we find that a horn represents a king or kingdom so that leads us to Dan 2, 7, 8 Read on...

Daniel 2, 7, & 8
The dream was a statue made of gold, silver, brass, iron, and iron with clay.
These chapter tells us which nation come into power next by name, until we reach Rome.
(Each take over moved from east to west)
Babylon- GOLD
Media Persia conquers Babylon represented by Silver Dan 8:20
Greece conquers Media Persia represented by Brass Dan 8:21
Rome conquers Greece represented by Iron Dan 8:23-25
Rome is divided into 2 (feet and legs) and then into 10 (toes) kingdoms (not conquered) represented by Iron and clay mixed. (combination of church and state) Secular history confirms that Rome was first broken in to 2 states, and then Western Rome again into 10 states/regions.

Daniel 2:41 predicted that the clay (church) would mix with the Roman power of that time.
The Vatican is the only entity that came to power that also possessed both religious, political, and civil rule, and came after the division of kingdoms of Rome into 10 sections. (not conquered)

Daniel 7:19-28
Characteristics of the 1st Beast/AntiChrist
· Little Kingdom-(Small nation-which the Vatican is recognized as their own nation state) (476AD last western Roman emperor-538AD Catholic Church put in Power. Set up power and authority as ALL powerful over church, political, and civil powers.)
· Come up from Among the 10 horns (VS 24, Western Rome, 10 divisions of Rome)
· Arise after Rome is divided into 10 kingdoms (Rome was divided into Eastern and Western Rome ruled separately, divided in 2 parts, legs of iron, then Western Rome was divided again into 10 Kingdoms, feet of iron and clay-state and church combined, the Catholic Church took power in 538AD and ruled over all nations until 1798AD-which is 1260 years)
· Will Rule for time, times, and the dividing of time. (time is 1 year, times is 2 years, and a dividing of time is 6 months, this equals 3.5 years or 42 months or 1260 days. Prophetic time equates 1260 days to1260 years. Dan 7:25)
· Has a man as a figure head-(Pope which is a title, not a specific man-this little kingdom must have a king/Pope vs 24, another king shall arise after the first 10)
· Diverse Kingdom- (Catholic means Universal, pagan and Christian mixture. Union of Church of State, a union of church and state killed Christ, again Church and state ruled men without interference for 1260 years, and a union of church and state will stand in place at the return of Christ)
· Exceeding dreadful-(killed many believers with torcher, burnings, hangings, spoke badly about heretics, turned others against those who did not comply with Catholic rule and law)
· Teeth of IRON-(represents Rome as they made arms out of iron, and were ruthless, my way or the highway attitude)
· Who spoke great words against the Most High-(figure head of the kingdom, the Pope, will speak Blasphemies- claims to: have to power to forgive sin, to be Christ on earth in the flesh, has more authority than the scriptures, and claims to have the power to alter and change the laws and times of the God.) {John 10:23-24, 30-33, Mark 2:4-7-Biblical definitions of blasphemy.}
· 3 kingdoms uprooted (fall) from the rise of this horn/kingdom-(Vatican ordered these 3 kingdoms to be destroyed as they were non compliant to the new Christian pagan religion, and the romans complied)
· Make war with the saints, and prevailed (Vatican pursued saints and killed them, changing doctrines/teachings along the way)
· Devoured the WHOLE earth, tread it down, broke into pieces-(killed the majority of true believers-leaving apostates, reformers of the Catholic Church spreading catholic False doctrines, and a handful of Messianic Jews.) The falling away. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Shall wear out the saints of the most High-continue to spread false doctrines while restricting the ownership of Bibles causing most to loose the truth of the Word of the Father.
· Will think to change times and laws (the Vatican Changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, and changed the 10 commandments for their religious beliefs, also made proclamations against the truth against the Word of God, gives indulgences {paid waived sin} for a price, added and removed Holi-days no longer observing the Holy Days, prays for and to the dead, and to statues, just to name a few) The Vatican brags that protestant churches accept the authority of the Pope by observing Sunday instead of Saturday. They go on to say that scriptures do not sanctify Sunday, but they, the Catholics, do not sanctify Saturday. The Pope claims to have the power to change to laws of God.

10 Tribes: 3 uprooted by the request of the Catholic Church during the beginning of their reign Dan 7:8
· Alemanni- Germans
· Burgundians- Swiss
· Franks- French
· Lombards- Italians
· Saxons- English
· Suevi- Portuguese
· Visigoths- Spanish
· Heruli- Extinct
· Ostrogoths- Extinct
· Vandals- Extinct

From Revelation 13:1-10
1st beast
· Come from the sea having 7 heads and 10 horns, 10 crowns, and the name Blasphemy on his heads.(came from a densely populated area, that was in 10 Kingdoms with 10 leaders over each=Rome, and the Vatican sits on 7 hills or mountains; the Pope speaks blasphemies)
· A leopard, feet of a bear, mouth of a lion (prowling loudly and devouring all who are non compliant)
· Dragon gave him power, a seat, and great authority (satan gave them their power, seat, and authority, the synagogue of Satan as called by scriptures)
· One head wounded to death; deadly wound was healed (the Vatican was over taken in 1796 by Napoleon's army. The Catholic's army was overcome, and after long negotiations for the Pope to renounce temporal power the Pope arrested in 1798 and died in captivity 18 months later in 1799. The powers and riches of the Catholic Church were stripped in 1798, and this was the deadly head wound. When they regain their religious, civil, and political power is when they will be fully healed. They have already gained their religious power, now they are working on their civil and political powers)
· World wondered after the beast (Look at the world today, most religious leaders have made some sort of acknowledgement, agreement, or acceptance of the Catholic Church. Islam, Protestant, Krishna, Buddhist, Hindu’s and others)
· Worshiped the dragon who gave the beast power (Sings songs to Lucifer, owns the largest observatory named Lucifer, wears pagan symbols on garments, wears pagan hats, carries a staff to honor the sun god, has a room that looks like a snake, has another room with wood carvings and a throne that looks like demons, has a throne with an upside down cross carved in it)
· From his mouth great things and blasphemies against the Father, his name, his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. (The vatican/Pope claim to be Christ on earth, have the ability to forgive sin, claim to have the authority to override the Bible, claim to have changed the sabbath day, Pope Francis has said that Christ death on the cross ended in failure)
· For 42 months = 1260 years; (vatican ruled over all nations from 538AD to 1798AD= 1260 years) 42 months or 3.5 years or 1260 days all talk about the same time frame and the same amount of time.
· Make war with the saints over all nations; (The vatican ordered the deaths of all true believers killing the saints of the Father. and did it in the name of the Father. They have their own army who continue to follow the command of their leader, now known as the Jesuits. You should read their oath they take.)
· Woman that sits on 7 mountain/hills; (The Vatican sits on 7 hills) (rev 17:9)

Symbols as defined by scripture
· Beast- Political power/Kingdom/Nation/ Super Power Dan 7:17
· Waters/Sea- People/Densely Populated area Rev 13:1 Rev 17:3,15
· Woman- That great city Rev 17:18 or Church Rev 21:2
· Land/earth-Sparsely populated-opposite to water
· Horn- King/Kingdom/Power Dan 7:24
· Blasphemy- Claim to be God or Claim to have the power of God
· Time (1yr), Times, (2 yrs) and Dividing of time(6 months)/42 months/ 1260 days = 1260 Years (see Num 14:34 or Exe 4:6) Jewish month has 30 days*3.5 years equals 1260 days/years
· Dragon- Satan/Pagan or a beast, Rome Rev 12:4-5, 9
· Sword- Bible/Civil Power Eph 6:17, Rom 13:4-5
· Image- Likeness Gen 1:26, Ex 20:4
· Worship- To bow down and prostate in submission and obedience

Blasphemy defined by scriptures:
· John 10:33 When a man claims to be God
· Mark 14:60-64 When a man claims to be the Christ
· Mark 2:7 When a man claims to have the power to forgive sin
· 1 Timothy 1:12-13 To persecute God’s people in the name of God

Iron (Rome) and clay (church) mixture stands for the Union of Church and State. The Vatican is given Religious power in 313AD by Constantine Edict of Milan, and later Civil and Political power in 538AD by Rome. ALL power was removed in 1798AD- after their 1260 year period of their tyrannical reign was over as prophesied, by Napoleon’s General when the Pope was arrested, all power of the Vatican was removed by 1798, and the Pope died in captivity. The deadly head wound was when their power was removed, not the Pope dying. Rev 13:3. Since then, the Vatican has been given back Ecclesiastical power back and other things, their riches, their nation state, and individual rule of the Vatican separate from Italy. They are still working on getting Civil and Political power restored. The head wound to be healed Rev 13:12. We see all the nations leaders meeting with the Vatican Pope regularly, and all religious leaders meeting him also. The restoration is in process. They may only need their connection to the false prophet to complete their civil and political power link, not that they themselves need the power directly since the false prophet is their destined follower compliant in all their needs.

A day is coming when we will see the Union of Church and State joined again. We see the beginnings now with Churches (all brands) pushing the State’s agenda’s with hosting vaccine posts and pushing their congregations to get them. These are misguided requests made by the church on the behalf of the state. We will see it again as the Vatican is pushing for Sunday to be a worldwide day of rest, their reason is for climate control which is just a way to get everyone on board. Another example of combining church and state matters. And every protestant church will back the Vatican in a Sunday rest day pleading with their own government to put legislation in place to require everyone to rest on Sunday.

The answer to our question is the Vatican, the Papacy, the Catholic Church is the antichrist that scriptures talks about. They are the only entity that meets all the described qualities and characteristics of the AntiChrist. Our suspect has to meet all the characteristics, not just some of them.

This is alarming information to a lot of folks because we as a society automatically think that if you are part of "Christian" religion you are a good person trying to do the right thing. What we need to understand is that most people in this religion (and others) are not aware of the prophecy, have been mislead of what the prophecy means, or unaware that the catholic church has meet all the listed requirements of the Antichrist. They are also not aware how they have changed the laws of God, or maybe aware but believe them when they say they are allowed to. They are not aware that they are practicing pagan religious rights when praying for a dead person, to a crest or statue, or expecting forgiveness of sin by confessing to a man instead of praying to the Father of Heaven. They believe as most do, their religion of choice is the right one, good, and providing them with the truth with hopes of a blissful eternity.

What caused the Protestant Reformation? When Catholic Bishops began to read scriptures and they saw that their practice did not follow scriptures. Some were bold enough to take a stand against the system, this beast system, and they were the first to name the Vatican and Pope as the Antichrist. Martin Luther in 1520 publicly named the Papacy and the Pope as the Antichrist. He then began his own protestant churches with the knowledge they had learned thus far. Granted they, Martin Luther and other Priests, were not revealed every truth in one sitting. It takes time and study to acquire knowledge and truth from scriptures, but they had enough to know they did not want to continue to learn and practice what the Catholics were teaching and doing.

Many of the protestant denominations still to this day hold tightly to Vatican teachings unknowingly, they feel their doctrines are their own not derived from somewhere else. My hope is that we can break free from those chains, and allow the Father to minister to our hearts in Truth and Love.

Scriptures say this beast will make war with the saints of all nations and devour the whole earth breaking it onto pieces. A saint in scriptures are believers and followers of the Father and Christ (those with the faith of Christ and keep the commandments). This tells me that all protestant religions has a little or a lot of corruption in it, if the Vatican was that powerful, influential, and forceful for 1260 years, and still have covert power through the Jesuits, then they corrupted all faiths either from the beginning or infiltrated that denomination and sowed in false doctrines. Meaning that every denomination carries false doctrine with them; some more than others, but all have them. It is up to us to break free from them, open our hearts and minds to the Father and Christ. Let them teach us what is right and good from the scriptures alone.

I have been a member or an attendee of a Methodist Church, Baptist, Free Will Baptist, Southern Baptist, Independent Baptist, several non denominational, Church of Christ, Seventh Day Adventist, and Assembly of God, and I can point out false doctrines in each of them; some more than others. This article and statement are not to put down any bodies faith, just a wake up call that we all need to seek and find the truth of scriptures. Quit depending on the Pastor, Priest, Minister, or our parents and grandparents for our tenants of faith, our doctrine, and what we should think. Out of all these faiths each of them have been tainted with beliefs that track back to the Catholic Church, the AntiChrist.

We should each look to scriptures for our doctrines which is defined by scriptures as teachings, instruction, and laws. If we read a passage that contradicts with our beliefs then we need to let that belief go, and understand what the scriptures are saying because the Bible does NOT contradict itself. What we've been taught contradicts with what the Bible teaches.

Why do you believe what your believe?
Where did your belief originate from?

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Who do you think the Antichrist is?
Why do you feel that way? please provide scriptures and explain:

What is your understanding of these scriptures in this article?

If you are more of a visual learner here is an amazing documentary of the above text:

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