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Make your own Supplements.

If we take the extra time we can make our own supplements. We can know what is in them, and cater them to our personal needs.

We can make our own vitamin capsules, pain capsules, treatment capsules, and more.
When we make our own supplements we do not have harmful additives that over the counter products have. If you take tablets there are harmful additives that make the pill that consistancy. If you take bought capusles you can't be sure that there aren't additives mixed into them. These additives have aided in the downfall of health in all nations.

All the additives in or on our food, medicine, drinks, and more all lead to more illness.

My suggestion is to find a reputable company that sells the powder of your choice or herbs dried, ground them yourself into a powder, and fill your own capsules if you are not able to grow them yourself.

Herb Affair is where I bought my capsule filling tray. You can make 100 capules at a time.
I ordered mine on 04/03 and it was delivered 04/08. You can also chose to buy capsules already separated. Makes the job a lot easier.

Here's an instructional video on how to use the filling tray. Process is simple, my first time using the tray took me 15 maybe 20 mins. to complete the whole process. With time and practice this process can be much faster.

The purpose of supplements is to add back into our bodies what we are not getting from what we eat and drink on a daily. Taking supplements that have additives can be counter productive to your system as our bodies will be fighting off

You may find as your change your diet, grow your own food, and eat healthier that you do not need to take as many or any supplements as you are feeding the body what it needs to heal, detox, grow, live, and flourish in a healthy lifestyle. Some folks, however, aren't able to grow their own food, or have no desire to do so supplements are the next best thing.

Keep in mind that taking supplements will not be as effective if you have a poor diet.

To allow water to absorb into your body better do this: natural electrolytes
1 pint of filtered water
5 TBsp of sea salt, do not use Iodized table salt. (I use pink Himalayan sea salt)
Stir and let sit overnight
Take 1 tsp of salt water, Add to your first glass of water for the day. 8 to 20oz container.
If you are going to sweating a lot during the day, prepare each bottle or glass of water with 1 tsp of the salt water.
This will allow your body to properly absorb the water into your body the rest of the day. It give you the natural elctrolytes you need to process water correctly through the body.
Drinks like gatorade actually cause more dehydration that not.

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