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Remove and kill parasites in your body, Do you have frequent constipation, fatigue, or heartburn?

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

So many illness' can be tied back to parasite infections. Here in the US we are not treated for this ailment because our medical professionals believe this is a 3rd world issue when it is not.

I heard a testimony of a woman who was diagnosed with cancer and told she needed Chemo and radiation. She got a second opinion and did a parasite cleanse. Went back to the onchologist and they found no sign of cancer.

So many times people are misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong thing. They take the treatment perscribed and continue to have issues.

Let's take control of our own health instead of leaving to those who don't know our bodies, who want to make money off of our illness', and in most cases don't care about our general health.

You can make a tea with one or multiple herbs listed.

You can make capsules with one or more herbs listed. OR
go to this site and buy their all natural supplement

Or to this site:

You can make a tinture with one or more herbs listed.
OR you can go here and get their all natural tincture

Essiac Tea can also kill parasites:

Different herbs treat for different parasites. If you do not know if you have parasites but want to cleanse, or you don't know which parasite you have it is best to use one of the sites I've listed above and use their products. Why? because they have combined all the right herbs to kill all parasites.

Taking these herbs with or without parasites will not cause you any issues as they are natural. If your body doesn't use these they will just pass through your system seemlessly.

1. Clove
2. Chamomile
3. Thyme
4. Oregano
5. Lemon water
6. Apple Cider vinegar
7. Garlic
8. Vidand
9. Wormwood aka absinthe
10. Ginger
11. Cinnamon
12. Holy Basil
13. Black Walnut
14. Sage
15. Tansy
16. Cayenne Pepper
17. fresh Papya seeds, strong unpleasnt flavor, best in smoothies
18. Pumpkin seed
19. Star Anise

Signs to look for when parasites are present: all do NOT need to present to be infected.
Itchy anus
nauseous, upset stomach
Frequent heartburn, acid reflux
Stomach cramps prior and while pooping
Fatigue, tired a lot
Weight loss or gain with a normal diet
Combo poop starts off solid ending in liquid
Irregular bowel expulsion, do not poop daily
Having to push to poop, causing hemroids in some cases, blood in stood
Stinky farts
Loss of appetite
Aches and pains, in joints
Discolored poo or white spots

When we have parasites in the body, primarily in the intestines this can cause our bowels to slow down. When that happens this can cause an array of other issues for us like:
the list above and
bad breath
joint pain
indegestion or heartburn
heart disease
head aches or mirgraines
periodontal disease
liver disease
kidney disease
Why? Because our bodies can NOT function as designed. There are many blood vessels that connect to the intestines that supply our entire body with nutreients while food is being digested in the instestines, and carry whatever is put into them to the rest of the body. If there are harmful things in our bowels this will also be transferred to other parts of our bodies. When waste is not expelled daily, and it is compromised by parasites it builds up methane gas and harmful bacterias which is transferred into the blood stream. These harmful byproducts in the blood causes all sorts of illness'.

Pharmacutical methods do not remedy constipation issues. They give temporary releif of the symptom not treating the problem while causing other issues in our bodies. These methods are Laxatives, Probiotics, or Fiber supplements.
Fiber and sugar feeds the parasites in the intestine allowing them perfect envoirnment to grow.
Probiotics have their own bacteria in them, and when presented with existing parasites in the bowles can cause more issues in and from the gut.
Laxatives are made with harmful chemicals. They cause the intestines to spsam to force the fecies out, however they also cause damage to the bowels in this process. They can cause intestine tissues to die, they can smooth out the inner side of the intestine where they no longer function as desiged creating a situation of not pushing the fecies through any longer.

We can get parasites in our food, touching items like door handles, elevator buttons, shaking hands with someone or pets and more. At least half of the American population has parasites and most are unaware. This is not a 3rd world condition. This is a worldwide condition.

How many times have you seen someone leave the restroom without washing their hands?
This is how easily it spreads. If that person has parasites, unaware, and does not wash their hands after pooping they can potentially spead it to hundreds of people as they touch the door handle leaving the bathroom, the door of the building, the elevator buttons, the water fountain, vending machine, ATM machine, Uber door handles and seats, resturant utensils, pay with their debit cards. Any time this person makes contact with any surface or another person he potentially spreads his parasites for others to pick up. Once the other person has touched those surfaces or him then they can spread it further.

Parasites can live on surfaces for weeks at a time. This is not meant to scare you in to wearing gloves and steralizing everything before you touch them. That would be ridiculious and pointless since you would touch the gloves to remove them or the parasite could leave the surface of your glove and gain access to your body anyways. Some parasites can withstand bleach and vinegar as they can pass through our stomach acids and survive.

This story is meant to teach you that we all need to do a parasite cleanse with herbs, not chemical or synthetic products annually or more often if needed. We ourselves may live clean lives, but we could already have a parasite and be unaware, or we can come into contact with someone else who has them or they touched something we did, and shares them with us.

When ever you do a parasite cleanse refrain for 1 month and a week from eating any surgar or grains. Do eat meat, vegies, and nuts. Cycle the cleanse on for 2 weeks. off 1 week, back on for 2 weeks. This process will kill all stages of the parasites.
If you have never done a parasite cleanse before it is best to do your first one for 3 months, still 2 weeks on and 1 week off through that period of time, giving you 3 months on the cleanse.

Parasites thrive and feed off of sugar and fiber. This is their preferred envoirment. We want to disrupt their safe haven while treating with herbs that will also kill them. The break is because it takes a week or so for eggs to hatch into larve, as well as giving your bowels a break.

When parasties invade the body we can have years of poo stuck in our system camped out causing other issues unawares.

Drink Fresh sqeezed lemon in 8 oz of filtered water with 2 TBsp Apple cider vinegar in the morning. This will treat the PH balance of your stomach. When PH is not in balance it allows for parasites to live in the body.

Pumpkin seeds: is a great way to kill parasites and to prevent future occurrences.
Eat raw, 1 cup per day OR
Make butter by blending the seed in a blender with pumpkin seed oil until your preferred texture is acquired. You may add other ingredients to adjust the taste if you prefer.

Black Walnut: Most have agreed this is the most common ingredient used to kill parasites.
Eat raw
Make a butter and eat it.
Place in smoothies

If you don't already; cook with fresh garlic.
Drink garlic water.
Fermented garlic honey, 1 tsp daily

Use whole clove, suck on 1 or 2 for 5 to 10 minutes
Use clove in cooking either whole or powdered.
Use Clove in teas, boil them with your tea

1 tsp in 1 cup of water 2 times per day on an empty stomach

Wormwood: with black walnut and clove
Drink tea
Take a tincture, 1 dropper full 3 times per day
Be careful of your intake of wormwood, to much can cause it own set of issues.

We deworm our pets, but don't even consider that we ourselves need to be dewormed or deparasited. We, as humans, have this innate idea that we are above so many things, impervious to them, exempt from them, that we are perfect just the way we are. In some ways that may be true, but physcially we are able to be compromised. We need to keep our bodies clean so that it can do its job in other areas like detox, immune system, growth of new cells, and so much more. If we are always fighting parasites in our bowles our bodies are not a full capacity to do the other tasks at hand.

Top 6 Herbs for Getting Rid of Parasites
Black Walnut is a vermifuge AND a vermicide. The hull of the nut is the part most often used and is one of the most common herbs found in combination parasite preparations. Here is a great option for a potent Black Walnut supplement!

Elecampane has long been used effectively against parasites and has been found to be especially helpful in the treatment of Clonorchis sinensis which is a common liver fluke.
Garlic has been used since ancient times as a vermifuge. Two cloves of raw garlic per day used in food preparation can be effective against roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms and hookworms in both human and animals. When in doubt, take some garlic cloves! Or get this High Potency Garlic supplement.

Pumpkin Seed is an herb to add to many of the herbal parasite formulas available in the market and is also used as a preventative measure.

Turmeric Root is also found in many parasite formulas. Its main function is to promote liver bile which is often inhibited by parasites. You can incorporate Turmeric into your diet or try this high quality Turmeric Curcumin supplement.

Wormwood is an old European medicinal plant that has long been used as a vermifuge. It has antiprotozoal capabilities and has been found to be especially successful against giardia. Wormwood is also known as Artemesia, Nature’s Sunshine makes a potent parasite blend called Artemesia Combination that also has turmeric, elecampane, garlic, and more!

Caprylic Acid
Sage Leaves
Black Pepper Fruit
Fennel Seed
Tansy Leaves
Fenugreek Seed
Gentian Root
Red Raspberry
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Areca Nut
Cascara Sagrada Bark
Lemon Leaves
Bentonite Clay
This site goes on to tell which herbs work best if the parasite is known, and how to use them.
This site also believes in things that I do not, please do not hold that against me because I used this as a reference for natural health. We can find truth between the lies. We do this everyday.

This has always been an embarrasing subject for me. Ladies aren't suppose to fart and poo, or at least not do it in front of or speak on it to anyone EVER! This has been my opinion my entire life and still is. But I will get over my embarrassment if it will help others.

I have had frequent and constant constipation since I was a kid. I once made the mistake of telling my Grandma, who raised me, that I was constipated. This was the last time I ever did that!! She gave me a suppository laxative. That was the most uncomfortable experience of my life from start to finish. From then on I just assusmed that was the way things went through my system. I have always only pooped 1 to 2 times per week. Sometimes, not always I have extremely severe cramping just before and during pooping but have a solid stool. The cramps feel the same as when I've had diarrhea. I figured something got stuck in a pot hole along the way.

I heard a lady describe this as trying to poop a pine cone because parasites cause the poo to dehydrate. This causes rough edges that are painful to pass.

I recently, through my herbal research of these issues, realized that I can do something about it without meds or surgery. I never told doctors cause I didn't want that response. Seems that I've been letting parasites hitch a ride for at least 35 years. EVICTION time!!

I have recently started taking 2 500mg capsules of cayenne pepper every morning with my 2 735mg capsules of moringa to give me better blood circulation and added minerals and nutrients. I drink 1 to 2, 8 oz glasses of herbal tea almost daily that contain moringa, sage, peppermint, ginger, lemon, honey, clove, and turmeric. The remainder of the time I drink water. I have started going poop daily and sometimes mulitple times per day, but I am still backed up.(04/07/2023). I still have issues, so I am going to begin a parasite cleanse May 1st to see if there is any improvement.

Updates I will post under my profile on the site.

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3 commentaires

10 juil. 2023


So I've been on this parasite cleanes for 3 cycles now, 6 weeks. No improvement for my constipation.

I am now trying to take Essiac Tea, started this morning. This week is my break week from the parasite cleanse capsules.

Essiac can cure many different things, detox my system, and kill parasites so I will place my progress under this article since this is where it started.


08 juin 2023


I'm on week 4 of my cleanse. Remember to skip a week between 2 week intervals.

I've not kept as strict of a diet this two week peroid as I have the last. I've gone back to my prior diet which included refined sugar, meats, pasta, and dairy products while still eating a salad or two and fresh fruits and a couple smoothies.

I've noticed since I haven't kept it as strict I have had a couple painful poos, and don't go daily. Some times go 2 times in a day then skip a day, then go the next day.

The size is back to golf ball or smaller pellets, still haven't seen any parasites. Again, I don't rifle…


10 mai 2023


I started my parasite cleanse Monday 05/08/2023. Had to wait to get the foods needed to since my diet was primarily carbs, fiber, and sugars. Fiber and sugars feed parasites.

I started using the signature suppliments parasite cleanse capusles. 3 per day just before bed on an empty stomach.

I'm eating fresh salads, meat, cheeses, fruits, yogurt, and vegies. Making smoothies. No sweets, breads, rice, pastas and things.

Since Monday I have pooped at least once per day and much larger than normal rabbit pellates. I've not seen any parasites, but I'm not fishing though it either. I've not had any cramping, but still some discomfort while passing it out. It comes out on it's own however, don't have…

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