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The Mark of the Beast is FAST approaching!!

What is the Mark of the Beast?
If you don't already know read this article...

The Mark of the Beast is not in place until it is LAW worldwide and enforced. Once it is LAW our choice will determine if we are still sealed by God or if we accept the Mark of the Beast.
The determiniation will be made by what is in our heart and actions. We have to stand up for what we believe in.

This doesn't mean to protest in the streets, riot, or picket. It does mean we need to teach our families the truth, our friends, and loved ones so they can make their own informed decision for themselves.

If we believe the truth about the Sabbath day of rest (7th day over 1st day), but follow the LAW of the land to keep Sunday the day of rest OR if we do not keep the LAW, but do not believe that 7th day is the sanctified day of the Lord-either scenario will lead to our receiving the Mark of the Beast.

This is not a physical mark in or on our forehead or right hand. It is what we believe, and the resulting actions to that belief.

We may be forced and unable to shop or travel on Sunday when these LAWS are put into place, but that doesn't mean that we are accepting of the rule. We can still observe Saturday the 7th Day Sabbath as commanded in scriptures. We can still do chores around the house on Sunday, change the oil in the car, mow the lawn, we can still see family, and other duties that are not goverened by the LAW.

Protestants have been pushing for everyone to deny scriptures, turn their backs on the sanctified day of the Lord (7th day), and accept the 1st day of the week for centuries.

Most don't even realize that they are chosing mans traditions over the Lord's commands because the are so lost in this delusion and belief.

They (Antichrist beast-Catholic Church) has been trying to institute Sunday Laws since 325AD. They just haven't been successful yet because it wasn't time. The time is upon us now. The world will follow after the Catholic Church (fornicating with her) leadership, and place into LAW their desires. The US will be the enforcer.

These things have been written in scriptures since 98AD when John finished writing Revelation.
Martin Luther was one of first to point to the Vatican as the Antichrist Beast in the 1500's at the beginging of the protestant reformation.
Read the following articles to see where scriptures say who these characters are and how the Vatican and the USA are the only ones to fit the descriptions given.

The Catholic Church - The Antichrist beast - has started the implementation of forced Sunday observance. The Sunday Alliance have a vote this year (June 2024) to see if they can get the EU Parliment to inact Sunday Alliance day of rest. The will shut down all business' on Sunday.

EU Sunday Alliance by the Catholic Church

MEP Miriam Lexmann (EPP – Slovakia) on a Work-free Sunday for all

The case for a work-free Sunday

The Article 2 of the revised European Social Charter and the Article 31 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU state that every worker has the right to just conditions of work, which respect his or her health, safety and dignity, as well as the right to limitation of maximum working time, to daily and weekly rest periods and to an annual period of paid leave.

In its Resolution of 21 January 2021 on the right to disconnect (2019/2181(INL)), the European Parliament highlighted that “constant connectivity combined with high job demands and the rising expectation that workers are reachable at any time can negatively affect workers’ fundamental rights, their work-life balance, and their physical and mental health and well-being”. It called on the Commission to “include the right to disconnect in its New Occupational Safety and Health Strategy” and to propose an act on the right to disconnect, to establish minimum requirements for remote working and clarify working conditions, hours and rest periods.

The right to disconnect is particularly crucial during the weekly period of rest of workers, on the weekend and on Sunday. In addition to be essential for their mental and physical health, it enables them to engage in volunteer, cultural, sport or faith related activities and thus to create social ties. This day of rest needs to be synchronized, as it is a time of social gathering, for families and citizens to spend time together. Overall, the Sunday rest not only benefits the workers’ well-being and the social cohesion within communities, but also supports the global competitiveness of European businesses.

This is why the European Sunday Alliance advocates for the high quality replica rolex day date 36mm m118208 0349 mens president bracelet oyster bracelet establishment of a European weekly common day of rest for workers, by tradition on Sunday, as enshrined in Art. 2 of the European Social Charter.

Austria is also PRO Sunday Alliance, as will all nations as it makes it way around the world

Manifesto by the Catholic Church

I wonder how long it will take for every nation to be compliant to the Catholic Pope and Sunday Law.

Are you aware that the Catholic Church uses the same reasons to explain why they chose Sunday over Saturday that every protestant church uses?
Are you aware that the Vatican by several Popes say that if you observe Sunday that you are accepting the authority of the Catholic Church?
Do you realize that even the Catholics say that scriptures do NOT sanctify Sunday, only Saturday, but since they have the power to overrule the Bible they took it upon themselves to do it?

"Catholics Dare Protestants: to Accept the Challenge.

Read the below article for statements made directly by Pope's from the Vatican.

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